Ethyl acrylate is used in the manufacture of water-based latex paints and adhesives, textile and paper coatings, leather finish resins, and in the production of acrylic fibers.
1.Acute Effects
1)Acute exposure of workers to ethyl acrylate vapors has been reported to cause drowsiness, lethargy, headache, nausea, convulsions, and respiratory and gastrointestinal irritation.
2)Lethargy, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, weight loss, and severe mucosal irritation have been observed in rodents acutely exposed by inhalation.
3)Acute oral exposure has been reported to cause thickened forestomach mucosa, forestomach inflammation and lesions, and abdominal adhesions in rodents.
4)Ethyl acrylate is a potent skin irritant in rabbits.
5)Acute animal tests in rats, mice, and rabbits have demonstrated ethyl acrylate to have moderate acute toxicity from inhalation and ingestion and high acute toxicity from dermalexposure.
2.Chronic Effects (Noncancer)
1)No information is available on the chronic health effects of ethyl acrylate in humans.
2)Nonneoplastic lesions and inflammation of the nasal mucosa and depressed body weight gain have been observed in rats and mice chronically exposed by inhalation.
3)In one study, the swelling of renal tubules and the liver, minor lesions on the liver and lung, and increased kidney weight were reported in rats chronically exposed by inhalation.
4)In rodents chronically exposed via gavage, an increased incidence of forestomach lesions and inflammation and ulcerations have been observed.
5)Depressed body weight gain has been reported in rats and dogs chronically exposed in their drinking water.
6)EPA has not established a Reference Concentration or a Reference Dose for ethyl acrylate.
3.Reproductive/Developmental Effects
1)No information is available on the reproductive or developmental effects of ethyl acrylate in humans.
2)Decreased body weight, but no major malformations, were observed in the offspring of rats exposed to ethyl acrylate by inhalation.
3)The number of resorptions and incidence of delayed ossification were increased in orally exposed rats.
4.Cancer Risk
1)A causal relationship for an increased incidence of colorectal cancer among workers occupationally exposed to ethyl acrylate/methyl methacrylate has been suggested, but there is conflicting evidence regarding this relationship. Other epidemiological studies show no evidence of carcinogenicity.
2)A 1986 NTP study reported increased incidences of squamous cell papillomas and carcinomas of the forestomach in rats and mice exposed via gavage. However, in 2000 the NTP determined that these tumors were seen only when the chemical was administered at high concentrations, resulting in persistent and severe gastric tissue injury. Because significant chronic human oral exposure to high concentrations of ethyl acrylate is unlikely, the NTP delisted ethyl acrylate from its Report on Carcinogens.
3)No dose-related statistically significant increases in tumor incidence have been observed in other studies of rodents exposed to ethyl acrylate in drinking water, by inhalation, and dermally.
4)EPA has classified ethyl acrylate as a Group B2, probable human carcinogen.
5)EPA has calculated an oral cancer slope factor of 0.048 (mg/kg/d)-1, but has not calculated a unit risk value for inhalation.