Recently, a number of new fungicides that have phosphorous acid as the active
ingredient have come on the market. Other names that you might hear for this are
“phosphonates” or “phosphates.” Examples are ProPhyt, Phostrol, and Agri-Fos.
Aliette (fosetyl-A1), an older fungicide, is the prototype for this group of
fungicides. However, the long standing patent on Aliette had prevented similar
fungicides from being developed up to recently.
Phosphorus-containing substances occur naturally (0.1%-0.5%) in foods such as
milk, meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and egg yolks.
Phosphorous acid(CAS.NO:13598-36-2) should not be confused with phosphoric
acid or phosphorous (P), a fertilizer component. In fertilizers, P is normally
found in the form of phosphoric acid (H3PO4), which readily disassociates to
release hydrogen phosphate (HPO42) and dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-). Both of
these ions may be taken up by the plant and are mobile once inside the plant.
Phosphorous acid is H3PO3. A single letter difference in the name of a chemical
compound can make a major difference in its properties. Phosphorous acid
releases the phosphonate ion (HPO32-; also called phosphite) upon
disassociation. Phosphonate is easily taken up and translocated inside the
plant. Phosphorous acid does not get converted into phosphate, which is the
primary source of P for plants.
While growers are familiar with phosphorus-containing fertilizer, the
abundance of terms, which are deceptively similar (such as phosphoric acid and
phosphorous acid), may create some confusion on the actual content and efficacy
of these products. . Some claims found in commercial literature and product
descriptions refer to phosphorous acid as a “supplemental fertilizer,” while
others present it as a fungicide. The purpose of this article is to explain what
phosphorous acid actually is and to examine its fungicidal activity and
nutritional value.
Phosphorus (abbreviated P) is one of the essential elements for normal growth
and development of plants. In fertilizers, it is normally found in the form of
phosphoric acid (H3PO4) (Table 1), which readily disassociates to release
hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-) and dihydrogen phosphate (H2PO4-). Both of these
ions may be taken up by the plant but H2PO4- more readily. Once inside the
plant, both ions are mobile.
Because phosphorous acid and its derivatives do not get metabolized in
plants, they are fairly stable and probably contribute little or nothing to P
nutritional needs of the plants. Some researchers have investigated the ability
of phosphorous acid to act as a nutrient source for plant growth and found that
P-deficiency symptoms developed with phosphorous acid as a sole source of P.
This means that although phosphorous acid can control diseases it is not a
substitute for P fertilization. The inverse is also true: phosphate is an
excellent source of P for plant growth, but is unable to control diseases other
than improving the general health of the crop. So applying high amounts of P
fertilizer will not work as a disease control measurer.
Researchers have found that phosphorous
acid fungicides are especially effective against Oomycete pathogens, such as
Phytophthora, Phythium, and Downy mildews in a number of crops. Phosphorous acid
has both a direct and indirect effect on these pathogens. It inhibits a
particular process (oxidative phosphorylation). In addition, some evidence
suggests that phosphorous acid has an indirect effect by stimulating the plants
natural defense response against pathogen attack. This probably explains the
much broader spectrum of activity observed in fungicide efficacy trials in small
fruit crops in Michigan.
According to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a consumer
watchdog group not affiliated with the food industry, only a small fraction of
the phosphate in the American diet comes from additives in soft drinks. Most
comes from meat and dairy products. So your reason for not drinking Coke should
be its sugar content and artificial food colorings, not the phosphoric