So what is D-Ribose (chemical name – alpha-D-ribofuranose)? It’s a simple 5 carbon sugar (glucose is a 6 carbon sugar) that is found in every cell in the human body. D-Ribose is a vital nutrient with a very significant role to play. Unlike sugars such as glucose which are metabolised to contribute to energy turnover – D-Ribose is not ‘burned’ for energy but is conserved by the cell for rebuilding the energy pool. It’s the only compound used by the body to manage cellular energy restoration.
D-ribose(CAS.NO:50-69-1), also called ribose or Beta-D-ribofuranose, is a type of sugar that your body produces naturally. It helps produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate.) Medicinally, it's most often used to increase muscle energy and improve exercise performance.
When we consume D-Ribose, the body recognizes that it is different from other sugars and preserves it for the vital work of actually making the energy molecule (ATP) that powers our hearts, muscles, brains, and every other tissue in the body. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy ‘currency’ of the cell and D-Ribose provides the key building block for ATP. Without sufficient D-Ribose the cell cannot make ATP.
In some illnesses, D-ribose is used to help improve exercise tolerance or prevent post-exercise pain, cramping and stiffness. Some evidence suggests that it's effective in people with conditions that impair the body's ability to produce energy. In people with heart disease, it may also help get energy to the heart during exercise.
D-ribose is a simple sugar which has been used to help improve energy and muscle support. D- Ribose provides cellular energy to the body which is the source of power that all the body’s cells need to function and perform cellular repair effectively. D-ribose helps to fine tune the body to function at its optimum level providing the body’s muscles and cells with sustained energy and also helping them recover faster. Many customers such as chronic fatigue syndrome ME sufferers find their energy levels are higher and can function in daily life more efficient. Bodybuilders, sports professionals and athletes can benefit in their physical exercise and work outs as the muscles will fatigue at a slower rate in turn the performance in energy levels are more efficient and can improve performance and endurance.